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Since 2011, Jordan has played a significant role in hosting Syrian refugees fleeing conflict and seeking asylum in neighboring countries. While many live in formal camps, others live near farms in an effort to support their families but end up very far from schools, forcing children to drop out and work at a young age.
With the cooperation of the Education Ministry, HHRD MENA (Middle East and North Africa) provides learning centers, along with rest rooms, necessary furniture and amenities, for refugee children and as relief for Jordan’s already overcrowded classrooms. These centers facilitate access to basic elementary, middle and high school education that will help children pass the national tests required to enroll in formal schools.
104 Jordanian and Syrian students were sharing two classrooms in Desert Mafraq, one of the closest villages to the Syrian border. HHRD MENA offered Mghayer Al Sarhan Primary School a prefabricated and fully equipped mobile classroom, giving students the space they have long needed, including a toilet unit that helped not only them but multiple grades who also use this very important facility during school hours.
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Vivamus eu hendrerit tortor. Integer semper pulvinar vulputate. Nulla sapien ligula, aliquam in lacinia a, tristique eu libero. Praesent finibus metus ut.
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